What Can I do?

In my 20s I wanted to help orphans. I felt so sorry for kids who didn’t have parents and were living in institutions waiting for someone to come and give them the warm hug that would change their life. This was my misguided approach to development work.

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We're Ready!

We’re two years in and our achievements have been substantial. We know we can make a significant impact in reducing extreme global poverty and we’ve proved it on a small scale, but this is just the beginning. We can make a bigger impact, and we have everything in place to do so.

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Contributing to the fight against human trafficking

Over the past couple of years human trafficking, or "modern day slavery" as it’s often called, has been gaining traction in the media. However, there seems to be some confusion as to what it actually entails. Unlike in Hollywood movies, human trafficking rarely involves the abduction of middle class white women into sex work on luxury boats. 

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Storiesjo peek
Pregnant, abandoned and deported

Anita became pregnant when she was working as a domestic worker in Singapore and was abandoned by the baby’s father, an Indonesian migrant worker. Anita was banned from working in Singapore and deported to Batam as it’s illegal for domestic workers to get pregnant while working in Singapore. As a single mother in a conservative Muslim country, Anita was socially stigmatised, and had nowhere to turn.

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Why I volunteer with Just Peoples

Since she was born in the south of France, Julie has always loved traveling and had the chance to live in various countries. She is now in Singapore, working for a big American IT company in sales, and believes she can change the world, with just one more little drop in the ocean, because everybody can do something!

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Storiesjo peek