Modern Day Slavery: Survivors’ Stories

In 2010, while I was working on an education project for vulnerable kids living in a slum on Hanoi's Red River, two of the girls on the course were abducted on their way to class. The Vietnamese teachers said they were most likely sold into the sex industry in Cambodia or Thailand. One of the girl's family had connections to the local mafia and were able to get their daughter back. But the other girl's family had no connections and their daughter was never returned. This tragedy sparked my interest in human trafficking and led me to investigate the issue in Japan, the Philippines and Singapore. 

I recently spoke to a group of Just Peoples' Founding 50 members and their friends in Christchurch, and shared stories of survivors of human trafficking I've interviewed across Asia. This video is a recording of that talk - apologies for the poor quality, learning how to manage tech is on the to do list.

If you'd like to know more about my work in anti-trafficking, or find out how you can get involved, you can contact me at

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